Monday, August 22, 2011

New ATC JAMS received

WHAT IS AN ATC JAM??  An ATC is An artist trading card (or ATC for short) a tiny, original piece of art created with the intention of swapping or trading it with another artist, not selling it. The one rule an artist trading card must adhere to is the size. An ATC must be 2.5×3.5 inches or 64×89 mm. 

A JAM is where several people (usually 3) get together and make a project together. If 3 people are in the Jam then 3 copies of the project are made.

For instance: Person one does the backgrounds and sends to person two. Person two adds something and sends to person Three. Person 3 finishes them off, keeps one and mails the remaining two to one of the others, they keep one and mail the last one to the person left.  All 3 make the cards, all 3 get to keep one of the cards.  Since everyone is mailing at some point, no one has to include any shipping $.
Finished my portion of this JAM by adding a stamped image.  I then added some color and glitter.....perfect!
I will be the second artist to work on this ATC.  It is a black velvety background.  I certainly will have to brighten this card up just a bit.  I'm thinkin maybe some red.
Since I was the third artist to work on this JAM, I had the opportunity to finish it and that I did.  I stamped the coffee pot in the bottom corner and then cut various letters out of a magazine to spell the word "COFFEE".  Do you like?
This JAM has already been worked on by two artists, the background and the coffee sticker in the corner.  I'm not really into just adding stickers, but some artists do just that.
 I added the green and blue accents to this card.  It is off to the third artist now.
 On this background I plan on maybe adding some leaves to the cards.  Not sure yet!